2009年2月12日 星期四


df -Plk|grep -v "Used Avail" | sed 's/\%//g' |awk '{if (($5>90)&&($4 < 10000000)) print "APS16 Disk Space: "$6 }'

df  :檢查磁碟空間
     -P: 訊息將不斷行
     -l  :僅列出本地磁碟機
     -k :空間大小表示單位為KB

grep :字串找尋工具

sed  :字串修改器
欲修改之內容以單引號 " ' "包住

awk :字串修改器
欲修改之內容以單引號及大括號 " '{}' "包住
if :可用以比對文字內容
$5:以"TAB"之空白為分割欄,由左至右依序編號,此例為df -Plk結果之第5欄
1                       2                         3               4                         5                     6
Filesystem     1024-blocks     Used        Available          Capacity       Mounted on
print :當前述結果為真,就秀出訊息,訊息以 雙引號包住 " " "

2009年2月5日 星期四

Solaris 較良好的 shell :tcsh

sendmail 的執行Script 在 /etc/rc2.d/S88sendmai [start | stop]

# /usr/lib/sendmail -bv antonio.hsu@xxx.com
antonio.hsu@xxx.com... deliverable: mailer relay, host, user antonio.hsu@xxx.com
# /usr/lib/sendmail  antonio.hsu@xxx.com
Hello  <<  內容
. << 結束

Adding a Swap File on Solaris

This is straight out of the man pages, but I had a hard time finding it the first time that I needed it. If you have a Solaris system that badly needs more swap but you don't have a free swap device available, you can create a file in the file system and add it as additional swap.

  1. Use mkfile to create a file suitable for a local swap area. For example, to create a 1GB swap file:

        /usr/sbin/mkfile 1024m /swap

    where /swap is the name of the file to be used as swap space. Units for the size can be kilobytes (k), blocks (b), or megabytes (m).

  2. Tell the system to start using the file as swap:

        /usr/sbin/swap -a /swap

    Use swap -l to verify that the swap file has been activated. 
